Homework due Tuesday, 4/5 or Saturday, 4/9

This is a two-part homework assignment that initiates two ongoing assignments, so please be extra attentive and thoughtful as you complete it!


Finish filling out the "game card" that you received in class on Thursday.  The sections should be completed as follows:

  • Character Name: Think of a name for your character and write it here.  (Note: This should NOT be an actual character from the book; rather, you should create a character from your chosen district based on your knowledge of what life is like in that district.)  Your character's name should reflect the values and naming standards of your district (e.g. "Willow" for district 12, or "Shimmer" for district 1).
  • Your Name: Write your real name here.
  • District #: You may choose from districts 12, 11, 8, and 1.  Or, you may choose the Capitol.
  • In the square on the left, draw a symbol for your character.  The symbol should represent something meaningful about your character -- perhaps something about your character's strengths as a person and tribute -- as does the mockingjay pin for Katniss.
  • Bio: Write a brief description of your character, including some of the following details: what kind of person he/she is, how he/she feels about the games and/or the capitol, what strengths he/she has as a person and a tribute.  You may also use this space to explain the significance of your symbol.

Don't worry about the rest of the card; we'll fill in those portions together once the games begin...


Begin keeping a journal of the events of Catching Fire from your character's perspective.  You (or, more accurately, your character) should write one entry for every chapter that we read, and each entry should be 1 paragraph long.  In your entries, keep in mind that your character's personality, actions and values are based in the value system of his or her district.  If, for example, your character is a 15-year-old girl living in district 11, imagine how she might be affected by the events of chapter 4.  How might she feel after witnessing the chaos that erupts after Katniss's speech?  What might she have done that day?  Was she part of the crowd?  If so,  did she join in the mass gesture of thanks that was given to Katniss?  What did she do, or what happened to her after the event?  Because you are writing your entries from the perspective of your character, you should be using first person pronouns ("I", "me", "my", "we", "our", etc.).

Your journal does not need to be typed.