The Hound of the Baskervilles Vocabulary

Define all words in context. Most of the vocabulary terms here are selected because the author uses them in their secondary or tertiary definitions, and I want you to learn these uses. Pay attention to the part of speech (n., v., etc.) to help you know which definition of a word to use. Always read with a dictionary, notepad, and pen or pencil within reach.

Reminder: There will be a cumulative vocabulary test at the end of the book!

luminous (adj.)
piqued (verb)
erroneous (adj.)
fallacies (noun)
amiable (adj.)
incredulously (adv.)
astutely (adv.)
slovenly (adv.)
dexterity (noun)
circumspect (adj.)
aghast (adj.)
bemused (adj.)
scion (noun)
prosaic (adj.)
impassive (adj.)
chimerical (adj.)
spectral (adj.)
flippantly (adv.)
congenial (adj.)
pugnacious (adj.)
languid (adj.)
imprudent (adj.)
rueful (adj.)
audacious (adj.)
injunctions (n.)
austere (adj.)
wanton (adj.)
somber (adj.)
copses (n.)
efface (v.)
propitious (adj.)
ruse (n.)
credulous (adj.)
undulating (adj.)
mottled (adj.)
tor (n. 73)
tête-à-tête (n. 73)
effigy (n. 74)
monotonous (adj. 75
puritanical (adj. 76)
circumspectly (adv. 76)
clandestine (adj. 80)
grandeur (n. 81)
gesticulated (v. 82)
peremptory (adj. 83)
brusquely (adv. (84)
livid (adj. 86)
notorious (adj. 88)
unmitigated (adj. 89)
inscrutable (adj. 94)
spectral (adj. 96)
morass (n. 100)
equivocal (adj. 101)
indelibly (adv. 105)
rendezvous (n. 108)
unwonted (adj. 110)
warren (n. 111)
incredulity (n. 112)
Spartan (adj. 115)
immutable (adj. 115)
irrevocable (adj. 124)
precipitous (adj. 124)
paroxysm (n. 125)
stolid (adj. 130)
inexorably (adv. 144)
atone (v. 148)
quagmire (n. 149)
purloined (v. 152)
specious (adj. 154)
audacity (n. 156)   


Letter to Holmes Assignment

Write a letter of resignation from Watson to Holmes. As Watson, explain your reasons for leaving and discuss your plans for the future. Your reasons for leaving should:

  1. accurately portray Watson's character as he presents himself in The Hound of the Baskervilles, and
  2. include at least three relevant events from chapters 1 - 9.


  • typed
  • double-spaced
  • 1.5 - 2 pages
  • include fictional date, salutation and closing
  • include your real name and date

This assignment is due in class on Tuesday, 3/20, or Saturday, 3/24.

Hound of the Baskervilles Note-Taking Assignment

As you read The Hound of the Baskervilles, I'd like you to take notes in a separate notebook or legal pad. Your notes should be organized by chapter, and should include:

  • your observations of historical context, especially any elements of gothic literature and/or enlightenment philosophy
  • other interesting patterns or themes that you notice
  • your questions, predictions, and reactions
  • vocabulary
This is an ongoing assignment. I will check your notes at the beginning of each class.