The Hound of the Baskervilles Vocabulary

Define all words in context. Most of the vocabulary terms here are selected because the author uses them in their secondary or tertiary definitions, and I want you to learn these uses. Pay attention to the part of speech (n., v., etc.) to help you know which definition of a word to use. Always read with a dictionary, notepad, and pen or pencil within reach.

Reminder: There will be a cumulative vocabulary test at the end of the book!

luminous (adj.)
piqued (verb)
erroneous (adj.)
fallacies (noun)
amiable (adj.)
incredulously (adv.)
astutely (adv.)
slovenly (adv.)
dexterity (noun)
circumspect (adj.)
aghast (adj.)
bemused (adj.)
scion (noun)
prosaic (adj.)
impassive (adj.)
chimerical (adj.)
spectral (adj.)
flippantly (adv.)
congenial (adj.)
pugnacious (adj.)
languid (adj.)
imprudent (adj.)
rueful (adj.)
audacious (adj.)
injunctions (n.)
austere (adj.)
wanton (adj.)
somber (adj.)
copses (n.)
efface (v.)
propitious (adj.)
ruse (n.)
credulous (adj.)
undulating (adj.)
mottled (adj.)
tor (n. 73)
tête-à-tête (n. 73)
effigy (n. 74)
monotonous (adj. 75
puritanical (adj. 76)
circumspectly (adv. 76)
clandestine (adj. 80)
grandeur (n. 81)
gesticulated (v. 82)
peremptory (adj. 83)
brusquely (adv. (84)
livid (adj. 86)
notorious (adj. 88)
unmitigated (adj. 89)
inscrutable (adj. 94)
spectral (adj. 96)
morass (n. 100)
equivocal (adj. 101)
indelibly (adv. 105)
rendezvous (n. 108)
unwonted (adj. 110)
warren (n. 111)
incredulity (n. 112)
Spartan (adj. 115)
immutable (adj. 115)
irrevocable (adj. 124)
precipitous (adj. 124)
paroxysm (n. 125)
stolid (adj. 130)
inexorably (adv. 144)
atone (v. 148)
quagmire (n. 149)
purloined (v. 152)
specious (adj. 154)
audacity (n. 156)