Helpful Radiolab Episodes

As we read and discuss chapters three and four of Animals in Translation, you might find these episodes of Radiolab both helpful and stimulating. Radiolab is a very good podcast that explores a wide range of scientific, philosophical and cultural questions. The three episodes that I have posted here deal with some issues that are relevant to Temple Grandin's discussion of animal behavior and how the brain functions.

"New Nice" tells the story of how a Russian geneticist domesticated a breed of fox. This episode nicely demonstrates Grandin's point that selective breeding for physical traits often leads to changes in animal behavior and emotion.

"Animal Minds" explores the question of animal-human understanding and communication. Grandin asserts that animals experience emotion, and claims (in chapter four) that -- through 100,000 years of co-existence and co-evolution -- humans and animals have developed an innate ability to understand one another. This episode may help you think about these issues from another angle.

"Overcome By Emotion" demonstrates the importance of emotion ("gut feeling") in human decision making. Grandin touches on this issue specifically on page 137 of Animals in Translation, and much of her argument throughout the book is based in the concept of emotion. The take-away lesson from both this episode and Animals in Translation is that emotions are much more powerful and important than we may previously have thought.