Homework Due Tuesday, 5/24

Prepare a rough draft of the lesson that you plan to give on Thursday, 5/26. Your rough draft should include:

  1. Your thorough responses to questions 1-3 of part two of the assignment (see post below). The purpose of this part of the assignment is to give you a solid understanding of your concept so that you'll be able to teach it well to the rest of the group. To achieve this level of understanding, you should write at least one paragraph for each question.
  2. An explanation of the external (i.e. outside of Animals in Translation) information you have gathered in your research. This, too, should be at least one paragraph.
  3. A brief, written outline of what you intend to do in your lesson. This should be specific enough that I can get a good idea of what you'll do. Keep in mind that you'll only have 5-7 minutes to deliver your lesson. Also, please do not plan to read us the four paragraphs you wrote in preparation for this assignment; do something more interesting!